$70/60 mins & $110/90 mins Acupressure is a traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) healing technique developed in Asia over 5000 years ago. Acupressure involves penetrating and placing firm pressure with hands, elbows, and/or with the aid of various devices on different acupuncture points and meridians of the body. Benefits of acupressure include releasing muscular tension and pain, balancing the body, promoting the circulation of blood, and stimulating the body's natural life force energy to flow (know as "Qi" ,which is considered to be the root source of life), while strengthening the immune system, and maintaining a healthy rejuvenated life.
Swedish massage
$80/60 mins Developed in Sweden centuries ago, Swedish massage is based on Western concepts of anatomy and is quite different from Asian styled massages by focusing mostly on points and meridians. Swedish massage involves gentle pressure as opposed to deep tissue massage and is a perfect introduction to professional massage if you've never had a massage before. It is applied by rubbing the muscles with long gliding motions in the direction of blood with circular pressure, and kneading motions with bending and stretching. An oil or lotion is also applied to help reduce friction and stimulate blood flow.
Aromatherapy massage
$90 /60 mins In an aromatherapy massage, however, the oil also contains an essential oil (or a blend of essential oils) derived from plants. Essential oils penetrate the body through the skin, creating multiple benefits beyond just their nice smell. They affect your mood, alleviate pain, detoxify your body, and ramp up your immune system, depending on the oil used. A relaxing aromatherapy massage might include oil infused with lavender or rose, while peppermint and eucalyptus may be used to soothe sore muscles.
Hot stone massage
$90/60 mins Hot stone massage is a specialty massage where the therapist uses smooth, heated Volcanic rocks either as an extension of their own hands, or by placing them on the body while they massage other parts of the body. The heat can be deeply relaxing and help warm up tight muscles so the therapist can work deeper and stronger. Our Hot stone massage is an ultimate massage experience, creating a unique enhancement to the overall healing effect. It doesn't go any better than that!
Deep tissue massage
$80/60 mins, Couple $160/60 mins Deep tissue massage is designed to relieve severe tension of the muscle and the connective tissue or fascia.The therapy is applied to both the superficial and deep layers of muscle, fascia and other structures. Recommended for individuals who experience consistent pain, are involved in heavy physical activity, such as athletes, and/or patients who have sustained physical injury. It is not uncommon for deep tissue clients to have their pain replaced with a new muscle ache for a day or two.
Sports massage
$80/60mins Sports massage was originally designed to help athletes enhance their performance, recover from injuries, or function well during training. It emphasizes prevention and healing of injuries to the muscles and tendons. Sports massage is also good for people with chronic pain, injuries, or restricted range of motion.The massage therapists will focus on problem areas, work on specific trigger points to stimulate circulation blood and lymph fluids, break down adhesion or knots in the muscles, and increase range of motion. Clients can get the benefits of enhanced athletic performance, restored flexibility and range of motion, faster recovery form injury and removal of lactic acid buildup.
Lymphatic detox massage
$90/60 mins Lymphatic detox massage is designed to stimulate the flow of lymphatic fluid through the body to help detoxify the lymphatic system. It is a deeply relaxing technique imitating the body's own way of moving its fluids by gentle stretching and rhythmic pumping on the skin to assist the elimination of metabolic waste products and excess fluid. It’s the most effective massage for the treatment of lymph edema, a condition that causes unattractive swelling of arms and legs. The penetrating heat and herbal essence also beneficially affect the nervous, immune and muscular systems.
During the treatment, pure botanic premium essential oil is applied for the benefit of detox. Our specially made essential oil combines different kinds of herbal ingredients inside. Each one has a special therapeutic effect: peppermint to relax and sooth the muscle; cinnamon to boost the metabolism and improve the circulation of lymph fluid; and rosemary which is the super antioxidant for anti-aging.
Location and Hours: 1063 Rockville Pike, Rockville, MD 20852 Tel:240-669-6453